Bootstrap In 24 Hours Pdf Download

Things are moving slowly, but they are moving. I have gotten the Bootstrap book code samples up on GitHub. So those of you who wanted to download them all at once, you now can. I'll be adding the code from my other books to GitHub as soon as I can.

If you notice an error (and they do creep in!) please feel free to let me know by email, comment, or pull request.

Once I get the older books up on GitHub, I'll start working on getting my latest book's code up on GitHub. Of course, that book isn't done writing itself, so one thing at a time.

I'm excited to announce that my Bootstrap book Sams Teach Yourself Bootstrap in 24 Hours is available in stores. You can order it online from Amazon and Barnes and Noble or buy it from your local bookstore.

It's available as a Kindle eBook from Amazon or as a Nook eBook from Barnes and Noble. You can also get it in paperback as well as ePub, mobi, and PDF from InformIT directly.

This Bootstrap Book Makes Bootstrap Easy

Sams Teach Yourself Bootstrap in 24 Hours - my Bootstrap Book
Sams Teach Yourself Bootstrap in 24 Hours

If you've been considering moving to a CSS framework, Bootstrap is a good option. Bootstrap 3, which this book covers, offers a lot of useful features that customers and designers have come to expect from websites. Bootstrap makes things like grids, typography, and responsive design quick and easy. Now I find myself getting frustrated by sites that don't use Bootstrap as I often have to reinvent the wheel just to get features that are standard in Bootstrap.

This Bootstrap book covers all the basics of Bootstrap including the CSS, components, and JavaScript libraries you can use to improve your site. You will also learn how to customize your Bootstrap website so that it doesn't look like every other Bootstrap website out there. I even included a few example sites of some Bootstrap sites that really impressed me. You might be surprised at the sites that do use Bootstrap. There are a lot more than you might realize.

Please Consider Reviewing My Books

If you get a copy of my Bootstrap book or any of my other books, please let me know. I'd love to hear what you think. And if you have a chance, please leave a review on Amazon. If you like any of my books, the best thing you can do to help is to write a positive review on Amazon. And even if you don't like them, I want to know, so I can improve them.

I spent the last week working on two projects: the "Learning HTML and CSS Livelessons" and editing the Sams Teach Yourself Bootstrap in 24 Hours book.

It was both one of the most fun weeks I've ever spent and also one of the scariest (at least at first). I have never been in front of a camera before, and I spent 6-8 hours a day on Monday through Wednesday right there. Luckily Pete and his dog Shorty were there to put me at ease. It ended up being a lot of fun.

Now, of course, I have a bunch more work to both catch up from being gone for several days and some update work to get the website ready for the videos. This LiveLessons series is intended to help people learn enough HTML and CSS to get a website up and running and looking good. I'm hoping that if this project does well, I can do another on something like CSS to go into more depth on how to use CSS and style really fancy pages.

Sams Teach Yourself Bootstrap in 24 Hours
Sams Teach Yourself Bootstrap in 24 Hours

And I also got the first 50% of the technical and copy edits for the Bootstrap book. And I got the second 50% right after I got back. I'm hoping the second half is fairly error free (as far as we have found) like the first half. And as always, any errors that make it into the final book are my fault not my copy editor or tech editor (thanks Jon!)

One of the biggest challenges of writing a book about Bootstrap is that I find myself wanting to convert every site I look at to Bootstrap. I finally upgraded this site to Bootstrap just this week. And I've converted a couple of other sites I manage as well. But let me tell you, even as the author of the book, my clients don't all want to do a huge redesign just because Bootstrap rocks. Oh well, their loss.

What's Next?

My next project is finishing up a book on web publishing. That should be fun, and hopefully pretty quick. After that, who knows? If you have any ideas, let me know!

I've finished 25% of my latest book Sams Teach Yourself Bootstrap in 24 Hours. This has proven to be very fun to write. Bootstrap, if you're not familiar with it, is a web design framework to help you build web pages that have a consistent design and look and feel. It includes things like a grid system and powerful CSS styles; components like icons and navigation; and a bunch of JavaScript plugins to make building dynamic web pages that much easier.

Some of the things I love about Bootstrap include:

  • It is responsive by default. So everything you learned in my last book Sams Teach Yourself Responsive Web Design in 24 Hours is still useful, but you can implement it more quickly with Bootstrap.
  • The grid system is very easy to use. And it's easy to create multiple grids for different device sizes.
  • Bootstrap creates a good looking typography and color iconography framework for your website. You don't have to worry about how your text will look. And if you need to show information like warnings or success states visually, Bootstrap has you covered.

And there is so much more too Bootstrap than those features. I hope you'll be willing to join me on this adventure with a great framework.

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